I am the world's most clumsiest idiot. This morning I tripped over my headphones. Not the wire, no, the headphones themselves. And as my head was racing towards the thick rim of my IKEA 'I think it's wood' bed, all I could think was; "Here we go again, this is going to hurt", only to end up with to halves of a headphone, and my head perfectly healthy.
I would't trade it for the world! I think that's a weird saying. And a bit inaccurate. I mean, people say it pretty easily, but imagine if it was real. If the world really was on the line, I'm pretty people wouldn't trade it in for the things they use this saying for...
Just give me a second. Or quite a few second better, I don't think anyone could say waht they had to say in an actual second, unless the thing they had to say is really short like "no" or "do" of "why" or any other short word with an unespectedly deep meaning.
Or give me a minute. Have you ever noticed that the people who aks you for a minute, always take longer?
Now, I have a slightly irrational fear of spiders. Not all spiders, just spiders who come within a 3 meter radius of either my bed or my food. Even after I ruthlessly kill them, I don't like pickem them up and throwing them out. Last night I paralyzed an enormous mosquito (I have one of those electrical bug thingy's, they shock bugs and paralyze them. That is if you don't push the button for too long... when you do that you burn them). As I was holding the bug on one leg I, horrible person that I am, pulled it's wings out... now it looked like a spider... so all of a sudden I was scared of it and dropped it... Stupid irrational me... I do like tarantula's thogh, they're really soft and all.
Blur is leuk :D